Breast Cancer Awareness Month: Know The Signs October 15, 2019 – Posted in: Be Well
Today we take a moment to honor Breast Cancer Awareness Month. It has touched so many of us. We are survivors. We are supporters. We are angels. We are all in this together. Together we must support our village. Together we must get checked. Together we must commit to self care. Together we stand. Together we walk. Together we raise. Together we rise. Together we find a cure!
Shades of Color encourages you to check this list below from our Cidne Wallace Weekly Inspirational Planners for common symptoms that could lead to a diagnosis. Early Detection continues to save lives!!

Statistic show that the 1 in 8 women in the US will get breast cancer at some point in their lives. That’s ONE in every EIGHT women. Statics are also telling us, however, that the mortality rate is also decreasing. That is – more women are getting it but less are dying from it. That still gives us solace; it is no longer the death sentence that it once was. While the journey to recovery is still long and arduous, it is a journey that can have a positive outcome. My family is a testament to that. In 2016 my sister was diagnosed at age 41 with stage 3 breast cancer. She beat it. The family came together and rallied around her. It is an experience I wouldn’t wish on anyone, but FAITH and an amazing team of doctors and researchers got us through. Oh and a little thing called Obamacare.
Had she not had the right insurance she may not have gotten the help she needed at the time she she needed. Please, keep up with self exams and get your annual mammograms. If you see or feel anything questionable get it checked out right away. It’s better to know if something is NOT harmful vs letting the worry get to you. And it it IS something that needs to be addressed right away, again early detection is saving lives!
What else can YOU do to support?
Join a walk – there are several organized walk/runs especially during October.
Donate – money to the cause or even items to a cancer center/hospital. Blankets. Wigs. Scarves. Planners. Make-up. Accessories.
Get crafty and make some “Thinking of You” cards for a local center/hospital.
Support a friend or caregiver who is on the journey. Visit with them. Offer tangible assistance. Be an ear. LAUGH with them!!
We’ve Got This. Let’s Work Together To Be Safe, To Live Life & Find A Cure!!
Useful Links:
In honor of Breast Cancer Awareness Month Shades of Color is bringing back our Strength Is The New Pretty Travel Mug! With inspiring art by Cidne Wallace, this travel mug is designed to show the STRENGTH and BEAUTY of all of those who have ever been touched by Breast Cancer. For a limited time the Strength Is The New Pretty Travel Mug is available and a portion of all proceeds during the month of October will be given to Carrie’s Touch, a resource for African American Breast Cancer Warriors and their advocates.
– Written by Janine Kai Robinson