African American Fundraising | Multiple Catalog Requests

If you are a returning Fundraising Client – Welcome Back! Please submit your contact and mailing information to request multiple catalogs. We will ship up to 3 catalogs for free.  For more than 3 catalogs you may be contacted to cover the shipping.  Remember that you can also purchase Catalog & Starter Kits in our Fundraising Tools Section.

In addition to our paper catalogs, we highly recommend that you use our Digital Catalogs and Brochure Links which can be found on our Main Fundraising Page.  For example, copy this Link To Our Holiday Catalog and share with your friends and family via social media, text or email and let them know to come back to you to place their orders!!  Be sure to encourage Christmas & Holiday gift giving early!  Fundraising order deadline for Christmas gifts is December 6. Order Early!!

African American Fundraising Has Never Been Easier Selling Shades of Color’s Black Gift Collection With Catalogs Or On Social Media!

Multiple Catalog Requests


All Wall Calendars & Weekly Planners Now Reduced! Dismiss