What Flavor Is Your Water? August 29, 2019 – Posted in: Uncategorized

Shades of Color Reloaded Blog =========================== It’s hot out there. August “dog days” of summer hot. We NEED to wear our sunscreen outside. Whether or not we are outside or inside we also NEED to drink our water!! Water is incredibly good for our bodies. If you suffer from any of the below, it could be a sign that you are depriving yourself of adequate water === 9 Warning Signs That Your Body Is Lacking…

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Take A Note: Mental Health May 15, 2019 – Posted in: Uncategorized

May is National Mental Health Awareness Month… I have not stopped to think much about it in years past.  However, as time moves on we are seeing more stress in our work place, more tension in our government, more anger in our streets, more nightmares appearing on our news stations…  Road rage feels like it’s at an all time high.  Our thoughts and prayers are doled out on a weekly basis.  Our children are learning how…

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INHALE, EXHALE, RELEASE April 16, 2019 – Posted in: Uncategorized

INHALE, EXHALE, RELEASE April is Stress Awareness Month! “Stress.” Just the mention of the word can instantly cause your entire body to tense, and jaw to clench, as you try to relegate any forthcoming thoughts that could induce stress when pondering the word for too long.  If only the cure for stress was as simple as not thinking about it, maybe then it would stop being one of the leading causes of death. According to…

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